Our Mission

The Naval Submarine League was founded and incorporated in Virginia as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in 1982. Its purpose is charitable, educational, and scientific in support of the Submarine Force. It has both individual and corporate members, and individual membership is open to any U.S. citizen. Currently, there are over 4,000 members in 10 chapters and more than 180 corporate members.

The NSL seeks opportunities to stimulate and promote awareness, by all elements of American society, of the need for a strong undersea arm of the United States Navy. A quarterly magazine, The Submarine Review, is made available to all members, all U.S. submarine installations, and to all members of Congress. A Speakers Bureau enables NSL members across the country to make presentations to community groups. Chapters have meetings with speakers on a variety of submarine-related topics. The website is updated with current news of worldwide submarine matters; has information about NSL events, activities, and members; and provides links to other resources.

The NSL provides symposia on professional matters affecting the Submarine Force and its integral role in national security. At the Annual Symposium and Industry Update, the views and perceptions of League members can be focused and expounded. At the Submarine Technology Symposium, diverse elements of industry, academia, and government are brough together to identify, study, and develop potential solutions to undersea warfare challenges. Small classified seminars feature submarine program offices presenting their latest perspective to industry.

Corporate members benefit from membership through networking with each other and developing business opportunities at NSL events. The agenda and speakers for those events are designed to help NSL members focus their efforts with direction from and conversation with Submarine Force leaders. A job board is being developed to enable companies to find and hire former submariners.

The NSL publicly recognizes professional excellence in the Submarine Force and pursues opportunities to promote Submarine Force esprit de corps. There are annual awards to Active Duty personnel, selected by the Submarine Force. Several chapters support Active Duty through awards to local boat crews and submarine schools. Boat reunions and submarine birthday balls are posted on the NSL website calendar. Chapters engage in a variety of activities, including social events, wreath-laying, support of local veterans, and biennial submarine races. NSL members are involved with commissioning committees, boat support clubs, NROTC units, and the U.S. Naval Academy. The NSL Mentor Program enables members to support each other in times of transition, get and give advice, and network.

The NSL fosters and preserves the heritage of the Submarine Force in several ways. The NSL presents an annual Submarine History Seminar, has a library with books and memorabilia at its national headquarters, and records interviews with individuals who have had a significant role in the U.S. Submarine Force.